Since 2004, Helen Boland, CHT, and the workshop series, Peace In Process™️ has been teaching, speaking, and educating the masses in modern Clinical Hypnotherapy, as THE supplemental treatment for: Mental disOrder and Physical Imbalances.
Helen Boland, CHT, and The Team, Guide & Educate: Adults and Children; Singles and Couples; Classes, Teams and Staff; Festival Crowds and Stages. We help guide the subconscious in our Board Rooms, as well as through Sacred Ceremony.
We Learn Through Experience.
Client-Led Journey is catered to the GOALS: Client, Class, Board Room, or Hospital Room & Unit
We illustrate the Hypnotic experience that is easy, playful, yet profound
Self Hypnosis is taught for empowerment each session and class, offering lasting change
We experience Clinical Hypnotherapy and the interworking of our own subconscious mind, for Clients’ greatest good
We teach the practice of Self Regulation, Self Hypnosis, and Self Care.
Helen Boland, CHT, Clinical Hypnotherapist (2005) and a mom and author, is also a tenured public school educator and the founder and president of: Boland School of Hypnotherapy, an official accredited certification school for the oldest and largest body in the field of modern Hypnotherapy: The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (est1970).
Helen Boland CHT has a private practice and a school that now, through technology, “sees” people all over the world. Helen is a constant researcher, lecturer, clinician, and educator. She is a tenured and retired public school teacher, an early childhood music teacher, an author, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and the Founder of the ACHE accredited, Boland School of Hypnotherapy.
In 2017, the first book of her, ʻChildren Healʼ series: COLOR SHOCKERS~ i mean Chakras~ Childʼs First Guide to Breathing and Meditation,” was published. Helenʼs lifelong focus has been fostering a healthy foundation and steady balance of strength, belonging, and worthiness for the young child and now, the teen or adult, and now the deep care of our, “inner child.”
At an early age, Helenʼs active dream state led to her curiosity and exploration into the role of the human brain, the psyche, and our healing process. Noticing the connectivity very young between Self and the natural world, avid reading and active brain and psychological study of the known, and the unknown in western and eastern healing traditions, religions, metaphysics, physics, biology, neurology, the path of our healing potential became quite interesting. Public school teacher in her early 20’s, studying child development, and the ruling 90% of the subconscious mind, Helen was quickly tenured in Santa Rosa, CA.
In 2005, with a first certificate in Hypnotherapy, a finished published book, and a new family, work shifted to Clinical research and Clients and: ‘Peace in Process™️’, the popular and longstanding workshop series bringing masters of various modalities of healing and health together for our Retreat weekends, and then the weekly public sanctuaries for years: a compact life changing few hours.
This work continues to grow as the solid foundation of research for Boland School of Hypnotherapy, and now, the many arms of education and classes that grew from these strong roots.
Join! Peace In Process…the beat continues…
MY Sage.
*call or email to book speaking/teaching event
Clinical Hypnotherapy IS Supplemental Healthcare:
Train your board, staff, unit, floor or team some modern applications of Clinical Hypnotherapy:
The Brain & Trauma: The Work of the Unconscious in Healing
Trauma & Early Attachment Wounds: Personality & Hypnotherapy
Drug Free Pain Relief Using Self Hypnosis
HypnoHelen™️ Pre-Post Op Care; Surgery & Anesthesiology
Obstetrics & Gynecology & Hypnotherapy
Fertility & HypnoHelen™️ Birthing Protocols
Dermatology; Ophthalmology; Genitourinary conditions & Hypnotherapy
AutoImmune Disorders, Oncology, & Hypnotherapy
Pediatrics & Hypnotherapy
Orthopedics & Hypnotherapy
Addictions & Hypnotherapy
Dentistry & Hypnotherapy
End of life: Transitional Care & Hypnotherapy
Win/Win Business Hypnosis™ :
Train Your Executives, Boards, Teams, or Department Basic Techniques of Success using Modern Hypnotherapy:
Build YOUR successful team under a common mission & number goal
Enhance Self Esteem in Each team member to build YOUR strong team
Improve Focus, Communication, and Efficiency
Create Techniques for Successful Sales and Sustain motivation through self hypnosis
Actualize projections & goals
Train Strong Public Speakers
Offer Stress Management
Youth Speaks:
Teach Youth to Access Voice & Hold Personal Strength, using modern applications of Hypnotherapy.
Teach your class, staff, families, clubs, or teams:
Increase Self Confidence & Self Esteem
Improve Learning Skills and Habits
Improve Concentration & Focus
Motivational Programs (Individual/group)
Stress Management (Individual/group)
Self-Hypnosis & Relaxation Training
Enhance Artistic Expression
Spiritual Connection & Community Building
Conscientious Parenting:
Using Strategies of Modern Hypnotherapy:
Teach The Children (and those that love them) to ʻKeep Coolʼ
Oxygen mask on self first (or Exercises in Self Care)
Relaxation Training or giving yourself a time out
First Responder v Reactor (Stress, Adults, and Children)
Stress Management (Individual/groups)
Story Telling; metaphors; and the childʼs brain and development
Self Hypnosis (adults & children)
Communication & Couples:
Using Strategies of Modern Hypnotherapy:
Teach Couples to Resolve Dysregulation
Teach Couples to Resolve Intamacy
Teach Couples to Resolve Personal Child Early Attachment Wounds That Impair the Relationship
Teach Couples to Self Love